September 29, 2013


Hi guys!!! To start writting in my blog since several months, I want to start writting about one of my heroes and my personal references, Rafael Nadal. Passion, strong, fight, motivation, superation... that´s why I want to dedicated my "first" post to Rafa Nadal. Because people sometimes need observe how other people overcome his adversities, to overcome their own.

Last month, I have comtempled the main important stages in Rafa Nadal´s life, I mean, sport´s life and personal life light and shadows.  I have read his book "My life. Rafa Nadal", and I have watched again his main important matches.

He is maybe the best spanish sportam ever. Since he was children he has had to chose, thinking about it, I though than all our life is an election. His sport life was not easy, in the tennis court he plays like a gladiator and it has had consecuences in his body, a long his carrer he has suffered 2 important injures in his feet and his knee, but he had the power to superate. These kind of moments cover him in a legend.

After it, I considered that his sport and personal life have been based three pilars.

- Family Support : He keep his family really close to him. His Family, best friends and Manacor are the most importants things in his life. Always, in the worst and the best moments they have been there.
He considered it, like his main pilar.

- Mentality Strong; To be concentrate and fight until last moment are his
main tools to get his goals. He always play till last moment, in the court and out court. He had very hard periods in his life, like everyone,  but he endure the pain and finally he overcomes it. He has skills to contentrate in the present, in the ball, in his legs, in ecah movement.... just to play. Everything around him in this moment, it´s from other world. And this skill make him strong.
I think than one of the keys in our life, is stay in the moment, setting aside the past, future and the present noise. Just living the present.

-Perseverance; Beutiful word, but sometimes could be hard. Most times, when we have personal or proffesional goals, and you feel than nothing is favourable, we can despair and consider leaving it, then we have to endure and keep going for our goals. Finding our most powerfull interior strong.

"I dont thing things will change for themselves, you will have to do something to change it". Rafa

"Whitout suffering there is not happines". Rafa

PS: All the Best Rafa.

G o o d   L u c k ! ! !

April 29, 2013


Today, we are living in a mediatic and a globalized world. It´s almost impossible to find a place where we were totally conected with the enviroment., without " mediatic polution" around.

If you take a look around yourself, around your enviroment, probably, you will see a TV, a news paper, advertisement or a mobil phone with internet acces... Then, maybe you are being manipulated.

I have read an interesting article about mediatic manipulation tools, and I want to share it with you. I have made a selection about the more interesting ideas.

1 - Distraction Strategy.

It´s quite common and obvious.
They distract the people attention about essential problems such as the economic situation, politics trouble and social problems in general. They stray our attention with continues banals distractions and insignificant news. Mantain people busy, busy and busy.... without time to think about our real needs.
For example, It´s more easy be worry about a your football team, than be worry about the Spanish Policy situation.

2-Create problems and offer solutions.
It´s consist in create a problem, a new and inconfortable situation, and  people will demand new laws and action to solve it. Manipulators could get, laws, than people doesnt´s want before apperared this new problems.

3-Gradual Strategy.
To establish an inpopular laws or new policy decissions, the easier way to establish them, is gradually.
Society, will accept as well as adapt to drastic situations.

4- Treat people such as kids.
The way to inform society about Publicity or "trascendental news" is composed for a very simple vocabulary,
it´s narrated like a simple story, than everybody can understand easily. With arguments, intonation and characters aimed at childrens. Why? it´s because people react depends how they receive the information. If you inform the social population such as probably, his reaction would be like a group of kids, without critical meaning.

5- Emotions Vs Reflections

It´s clear. Manipulators always choose focus in emotional thoughts. The emotional aspect provoke a dead short in our brain to make decisions. It´s the way to avoid a critical and a racional analysis about anything. On the other hand, is the way to establish ideas, wishes, fears, behaviour... in our subconciuos.

From this Corner, I want to show you a picture. What do you see there? Who is the good? Who is the victim? It depends right? ;).   Share your opinions with me please ;).

PS - I want to say thank you very much to everyone who have told me,
"I like your Blog, I find it very usefull and interesting", thank you very much because it´s why I write. You motivate me to continue.

Source : Inspired in a Noam Chomsky article.

Good Luck ! ! ! 

February 24, 2013

< < O P I N I O N S > >

Usually, we use this word all the time speaking with friends, at the work, discussing, defending our arguments....But....Have you thought about this fact? Have you thought about how many unconscious meanings content this word?. Probably not. In this new post I want to invite you to call you into question....

Wikipedia definition; ... opinion is a belief about matters commonly considered to be subjective, i.e., it is based on that which is less than absolutely certain, and is the result of emotion or interpretation of facts. An opinion may be supported by an argument, although people may draw opposing opinions from the same set of facts. Opinions rarely change without new arguments being presented....

Please think about what mean opinion for you and then, continue reading.

People associate this fact like a final point. A final conclusion about all facts in a determinate situation. It´s like close a question, topic or proposition in his life. We dont have to think more about it, we have our opinion. It´s like close a book or stay in a fortress ready to defends from our enemies.

Opinions turn off our curiosity switch. Create an opinion mean finish a mental process. Why to continue looking for an answer when you have found your own one?. Maybe it's more comfortable create a definitive answer than a permanent question. In Spain we call this popular ill  like <<Opinionitis>>. I dont know how call it in english.

Remove opinionitis in your life means avoid our necessity to have reason all the time. Meaning separate ego and ideas. It Means allow his evolution or his final. It Means trust in our mental process to recognise and live with ambiguity and complexity.

In a popular series, Star Trek, Mr. Spock said " Change is the essencial process of our existence". There we go. It´s a little sentece but it´s a big true, if people could understand this item our lives would be healthies than now are. All we understand like real or permanent is in constant change.

Our body create 2,5 millions of red cells per second, who live like 120 days. Most of rest cells die to be sustitute for the news one at the same time. According this reasoning we are not the same person than we were 3 o 4 months ago.
Really, you are not the same people than you were 2 seconds before. Millions of your brains cells have changed after read this post, this new information (like each second of  all experiences and information in our life) have altered your brains quimics conexions, brains cells composition, signals between yours neurons
and between your neurons and the rest of body´s cells.

From this corner I propose you some tips to change your relationship with opinions:
- Don´t be possess for your opinions.
- Replace opinion (expression) for other like, from my point of view, my impression, under my uderstanding, how I can see...
- All we consider real, is always changing.

"You cant step into the same river twice" - Heraclitus

Sources: Wikipedia. Practicall inteligence. Karl Albrecht --> An Amazing book. Work of art.

GOOD  LUCK ! ! ! !

February 4, 2013


Actually, I am really interested in Practical intelligence. It´s an amazing psychological field where we can discover very interesting things about ourself. And we can "manage" our thoughts, ideas, feeling and decissions, avoiding stereotypes and prejudices.

In this new post, I want to introduce 4 basic "Mega Mental Skills". These are our Mental pilars to process the external information, and they are very important to our thinking way. It define our mental structure as well as how we live.

1.- Mental Flexibility

Avoid mental stiffness.
Normally people avoid new experiences and ideas, because they are very different than they are accostumed. 
They are living in a closed room. They live with fear. They need to live whitout walls, where they can live without stereotipes, prejudices and be open to news feeling and life styles.

Mental flexibility is basic to perceive clearly, think objectively, solve problems and the most important, grow personally. It´s very important live together with ambiguity and complexity.

2.- Affirmative Thought.

We need a correct habit to How think, How we perceive, how we talk... Because it´s determine a good emotional health state in ourselves and with our enviroment.

This action decide what messages are important for us, what we accept in our mind and what people and messages affect to our emotions and life style.   

3.- Sematic Health.

It´s a relational question. It´s very important to be concious how relevant is to use a health language to communicate with people. 
Using a positive vocabulary and flexibility opinion will do possible improve our relations, our Mental well as emotional welfare.

"Revise our way to talk, it´s revise our method to think."

4.- Ideas Valuation.

It´s usefull valorate new and unusual ideas. Normally, news ideas are coming but we refuse all of them, we never give them an opportunity to grow in our mind. It´s like a reflex action.
Would be a nice fact if we receive differents ideas and we give them an opportunity to say something different. 
Flexibility call for destroy thought patterns.

"Periodically, it´s important open our mind and revise our feeling, ideas and habits."

PS- Rachel Mateos and Benito, it´s a pleasure have followers like you in my Corner. People like you make it possible. You are very welcome.

SOURCE: Whole this post is based in a magic book,  Practical Itelligence - Karl Albrecht.

January 20, 2013


Today we are living in troubled times. The Economic Crisis block our imagination and sometimes we cant find solutions. But we can find some keys really close. Keys like Internet.

Actually, The recovery governments economies plan have a common factor. It´s Internet, Identifying internet such as clear connection with Innovation and Productivity.
Germany, Holland, Japan, Hungry, New Zeland, French, Canada, Austria, Australia and USA have 4 common goals to support her recuperation plans.

1.- Internet Infrastructures.

It´s important to create quality Internt acces in our society. 
Person need acces to Internet to discover how powerful is it.
"In Spain 64% of people have Internet acces, least than OCDE Countries avergage conexion, 70%."
Internet is a perfect space for companies and customers. Companies because they can show her products and services to customers. And customers because this mean acces to an important information source.
There relationship between Interrnet connectivity and

2.-Formation and Entrepreneurship

The first goal is to create an appropriate business enviroment adapted to new technologies.
This goal have 3 steps:

- To reduce bureaucracy tramits  to create a company.
"In spain people spend around 47 days to start a business." Doing Business report.

- Create news alternative funding mechanisms.
Actually is very difficult to get many to start a business, exist some websites to do it possible.
Crowfounding is a website where you can show your project and people can help you spending his money for your ideas.

-Improve new technologies skills.
Internet commerce model need people with special skills focuses in new technolocgies to manage them.
So, it´s an opportunity to train people in this direcction.
"European Union estimate than 700.000 workstation will be available in 2015, but companies won´t  find suitable profiles to cover it."

3.- E-Government.

Government could use internet to achieve usability, interaction, decocratic participation and something very important and actual today, it´s TRANSPARENCY.
Some countries and cities are implementing Internet such as relevant tool to do everything easier.
In my region I have a close example, Jun, it´s a town  with 3600 people, where internet is very important in her lifes, people can get many usefull information by internet as well as can solve routine problems.
In 1999 Jun  declared Internet access such as universal right of all citizens.                               Jun website

4.- E-Commerce.

E-commerce is an issue  to animate our economie.
For business, Internet presence is very important.
E-commerce help to increase productivity as well as exportations.
"United Kingdom is the first e-commerce user around the world. Spain is in 15th position."
Actually, only 26% of Spanish commerces have a web-site, and only 14% of them, sell by Internet.
The Spanish digitalitation process is slow, because our commerce is quite traditional. But it is not an excuse here we have a nice example about traditional commerce transformed in a virtual commerce. Mainada

Source: UniMOOC - Francisco Ruíz.

Good Luck ! ! !

January 13, 2013


In my opinion, little details are the most imporant thing. Laughter, is a natural and  sometimes an unappreciated fact, but is one of the more beutiful gesture that we can do, and it´s a wonderful sound as well.


Laughter show our most spontaneus mood, open ourself a little more to our environment and demonstrate important personality aspects. However on some occasions it may express other emotions, such as embarrassment, apology or confusion.
It´s non verbal communication fact, expressed through facial gestures.      it´s an innate gesture, we dont need to learn it. Even children born knowing how to do it. Laughter is a very important facet in relationship, through our smile, we can trasmit our friendliness, hospitality and create a perfect emotional atmosphere.

- Physical:  It´s sensory stimulation,  like tickling for example.
- Intellenctual:  It´s sense of humor. Brain stimulation. "Brain and face gestures conexion"
- Emotional: it´s discovered in 1996, when Giacomo Rizzolatti (Parma University) revolutionize the           neuroscience field.  (Mirror Neurons)  (Brief and very interesting links).


- Positivity emotions.
- Put off concern. It´s impossible laughter and be worry at the same time.
- Pleasure sensation.
- Engagement. Establishing specials emotions with your laughter colleagues.
- Sport. 1 Shout of laughter move around 400 muscles.
- Remove toxic substances.
- Antiestres.
- Natural Analgesic.
- Lungs Oxygenate.


- Hinduism: It´s a meditation practice, consist to  3 hours laughing per   day during 9 days. They think that 1hour smiling is more beneficial than 4 hours practicing yoga
- Budism: It´s a technique consistent laughter while walking. Some of them think about this practice is more beneficial than meditation is.
- Occidental: "Laughter Teraphy" (Spanish - Risoterapia) , use to create positive synergies.

From this Corner I can see how our culture identify seriously with responsability and smiling with irresponsible, even in a professional environment jokes could be identify like an unprofessional fact. I disagree this perception, it´s a cultural aspect that young people have to change.
Laughter is simple and make our life easier. It´s very imporant in our professional and personal life.
PLEASE, Dont forget laughter today. 
I have a post in my door room, where I have wrotte...                           "A day without laughter is a day wasted" Charlie Chaplin.


Good Luck ! ! !

December 30, 2012


Express and communicate. Person need it to live. Everything we do communicate, our facts, emotions, corporal gestures, thinking, voice...
It´s impressive how many information can we express unconsciously.

Engagement is a special communication feel between two person or group of person. 
It´s a comfortable and security  sensation between receptor and transmitter. 
It´s a feeling where both are connecting through contact eyes, emotions and corporal gestures. 
When you get it, you can feel really good and satisfied.
Definitely, It´s a concept  relational with emotional intelligence  and non verbal comunication.

I have to comments  the  Dr. Albert Mehrabian experiments about comunication.
He determined that when two people communicate transfering emotions, we can share the comunication in three areas.

-->7% is verbal impact. 
It´s exactly word that we say. 

-->38% is paralinguistic impact.
How we say it? Voice tone, pauses, intonation, rhythm...

-->55% Non verbal comunication.
What our body are  communicating? Contact eyes, legs position, hands movements,...

It´s Amazing ! ! !  93% of our communication it´s not what we say, it´s how we say it.  it´s engagement. 

From this corner I can see how important  Engagement tools are in the Social world as well as in the business world. 
At the moment I am working in Caja Rural de Granada ( Andalusian´s Bank), I have met a new group of friends and partners, they are a very nice and interesting persons. They are a new group as well as a new experience in my life, and is curious how you can see different personalities and different behavior style, and you can feel how all of them are nice people but you can´t engagement 100% with everybody. It´s normal, each one is different. It´s a nice experience to check what engagement is.
Normally, person connect with people with the same personality, concerns, culturals background, life experiences... In my opinion, you can learn and force engagement skills to conect with persons but engagement is a natural facts, is part of our life process and it´s part of your personality. 
Summarizing, You cant choose or force to connect with somebody, your subconscious will choose for you.

I want to finish my post with some questions for you: 
What do you think? Can we learn how to get engagement? or Each one has is own predefined engagement skills?
Have you feel inmediatly engagement with somebody?

G o o d    L u c k  ! !