February 4, 2013


Actually, I am really interested in Practical intelligence. It´s an amazing psychological field where we can discover very interesting things about ourself. And we can "manage" our thoughts, ideas, feeling and decissions, avoiding stereotypes and prejudices.

In this new post, I want to introduce 4 basic "Mega Mental Skills". These are our Mental pilars to process the external information, and they are very important to our thinking way. It define our mental structure as well as how we live.

1.- Mental Flexibility

Avoid mental stiffness.
Normally people avoid new experiences and ideas, because they are very different than they are accostumed. 
They are living in a closed room. They live with fear. They need to live whitout walls, where they can live without stereotipes, prejudices and be open to news feeling and life styles.

Mental flexibility is basic to perceive clearly, think objectively, solve problems and the most important, grow personally. It´s very important live together with ambiguity and complexity.

2.- Affirmative Thought.

We need a correct habit to How think, How we perceive, how we talk... Because it´s determine a good emotional health state in ourselves and with our enviroment.

This action decide what messages are important for us, what we accept in our mind and what people and messages affect to our emotions and life style.   

3.- Sematic Health.

It´s a relational question. It´s very important to be concious how relevant is to use a health language to communicate with people. 
Using a positive vocabulary and flexibility opinion will do possible improve our relations, our Mental Health.as well as emotional welfare.

"Revise our way to talk, it´s revise our method to think."

4.- Ideas Valuation.

It´s usefull valorate new and unusual ideas. Normally, news ideas are coming but we refuse all of them, we never give them an opportunity to grow in our mind. It´s like a reflex action.
Would be a nice fact if we receive differents ideas and we give them an opportunity to say something different. 
Flexibility call for destroy thought patterns.

"Periodically, it´s important open our mind and revise our feeling, ideas and habits."

PS- Rachel Mateos and Benito, it´s a pleasure have followers like you in my Corner. People like you make it possible. You are very welcome.

SOURCE: Whole this post is based in a magic book,  Practical Itelligence - Karl Albrecht.


  1. It's a pleassure fot me enjoying reading your posts because they're really goods. CONGRATS!!

  2. Qué importante es tener la mente abierta... ser flexibles y no juzgar;sin embargo...cómo somos de flexibles con nosotros mismos?nos juzgamos o nos aceptamos tal y cómo somos?feliz tarde de domingo y de reflexión!

    1. Querida Noemí. Efectivamente es sumamente importante ser flexible, no juzgar, etc etc.... Pero no es tan fácil lograrlo como decirlo. La flexibilidad mental considero que es algo que tenemos que trabajar con nosotros mismos, poniéndonos a prueba y retándonos. Desde mi punto de vista creo que influyen muchas cosas, cultura, estereotipos, formación... Es un reto constante que superar para poder disfrutar de sus resultados. Personalmente me queda mucho por hacer, hoy por hoy me encuentro aumentando mi flexibilidad, buscando situaciones incomodas y nuevas para poder retarme y seguir creciendo. En cuanto a juzgarnos, personalmente creo que estamos en un eterno dilema interno, enfrentamos 2 cuestiones ¿Qué me apetece hacer? Vs ¿Qué debería de hacer?.

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