January 13, 2013


In my opinion, little details are the most imporant thing. Laughter, is a natural and  sometimes an unappreciated fact, but is one of the more beutiful gesture that we can do, and it´s a wonderful sound as well.


Laughter show our most spontaneus mood, open ourself a little more to our environment and demonstrate important personality aspects. However on some occasions it may express other emotions, such as embarrassment, apology or confusion.
It´s non verbal communication fact, expressed through facial gestures.      it´s an innate gesture, we dont need to learn it. Even children born knowing how to do it. Laughter is a very important facet in relationship, through our smile, we can trasmit our friendliness, hospitality and create a perfect emotional atmosphere.

- Physical:  It´s sensory stimulation,  like tickling for example.
- Intellenctual:  It´s sense of humor. Brain stimulation. "Brain and face gestures conexion"
- Emotional: it´s discovered in 1996, when Giacomo Rizzolatti (Parma University) revolutionize the           neuroscience field.  (Mirror Neurons)  (Brief and very interesting links).


- Positivity emotions.
- Put off concern. It´s impossible laughter and be worry at the same time.
- Pleasure sensation.
- Engagement. Establishing specials emotions with your laughter colleagues.
- Sport. 1 Shout of laughter move around 400 muscles.
- Remove toxic substances.
- Antiestres.
- Natural Analgesic.
- Lungs Oxygenate.


- Hinduism: It´s a meditation practice, consist to  3 hours laughing per   day during 9 days. They think that 1hour smiling is more beneficial than 4 hours practicing yoga
- Budism: It´s a technique consistent laughter while walking. Some of them think about this practice is more beneficial than meditation is.
- Occidental: "Laughter Teraphy" (Spanish - Risoterapia) , use to create positive synergies.

From this Corner I can see how our culture identify seriously with responsability and smiling with irresponsible, even in a professional environment jokes could be identify like an unprofessional fact. I disagree this perception, it´s a cultural aspect that young people have to change.
Laughter is simple and make our life easier. It´s very imporant in our professional and personal life.
PLEASE, Dont forget laughter today. 
I have a post in my door room, where I have wrotte...                           "A day without laughter is a day wasted" Charlie Chaplin.


Good Luck ! ! !

1 comment:

  1. Hi! First of all, I would like to tell you I've liked your post very much and I absolutelly agree with you. Somebody told me some time ago: "Laugh! It doesn't mind how you feel. People who love you will be happy because they would think you are happy. People who hate you won't be happy cause of the same"
    Now, I'm going to tell you some evaluations about your written English....
    1st: "Laughter is one of the more beautiful gesture that we can do" I think that in English we use "more" to make a comparison and we say "Rachel is more beautiful than Mary" so probably it would be better to use "most". I'm not sure about the use of "that", I think it's not necessary but I don't know if you can use it at this sentence.
    2nd: "Our culture identify seriously with responsability" It's not "seriously" but "seriousness".
    3rd: Finally, when you say "I have a post in my door room where I have wrotte...." I suppose the post is not inside your door, so it must be "on "or "at". I'm not sure about which one would be better, probably "on". And the last one "where you have written", because "wrotte" is past not participle.
    Hope being useful.... See you tomorrow!
    Kisses, Rachel :P
