October 20, 2012


Today, Social Network is one of the more important revolution in this Era. It´s a new space where people are present, and is a source of relevant people imformation.
Companies that need staff , usually use  Social Networks to find it (as Linkedin, Viadeo, Facebook...). Increasingly, people are more similar, same hobbies, equal preferences... Definetly, similar profiles. Companies are looking for different people to aport something new.                                                        

How can we achieve it? The answer is, creating your own personal Brand.   

5 Tips to elaborate a Peronal Brand;

Be unusual; It´s quite important find your rarity or peculiarity. You have to ask yourself, why am I different?. In brief, find your authenticity. Everyone is unique , you just have to discoverd where is it. If you are rare, you are special.

Be esential; Convert your rarity in something vital for your company. Something indispensable for them.

Disturb; To be brave, try differents business models, act in a different way, To try to be different.
Break the rules.
"If you do something and nobody is annoyed, then you have done absolutly nothing." Risto Mejide.

Unpredictable; To generate surprise and freak alternatives.
If you are predictable, you could be replaced for any machine or robot.

Be Yourself;   You have to be critical, show when you are agree and you are disagree, to solve your doubts, ask questions, be enthusiastic.
it´s important that most people confuse too much work and life. it´s important dont convert life in a fight between work versus life. You have to work enjoying.

Presence ; It´s important people know that you were there, you are there or you will be there.
To be a charismatic person and promote your brand.

An ilustrative video about Personal Branding by a recognized Gurú William Arruda.

Could you share your opinions with us?? For sure, you have tips and ideas to tell us. Be brave.

P.S Ana Martinez, welcome to me blog, it´s nice share lunch and laughter with you.

Good Luck.

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