October 13, 2012


Sometimes everyone with profesional perspective have to make a presentation about a paper or any project. During our studies, our work or other relevants fields. 
It´s a important tool and fact to expound what we want to comunicate. So, it´s very important to be ready and develop skills to achieve our presentation goals.

How is the way audiences recieve our message??

50% How it looks.
40%How it sound.
10% What we says.

Some advices to fix an excellent presentation;

-Focus on your audience. Tell them what they need to know, not all you know.
-To avoid excesive text. Be clair about your message. Too much text could distract our audience.
-Making eye contact with our audience. It´s a nice way to get engagement with public.
-Use visual-aids. Pictures, Graphic.... are useful tools to catch attention. Use  impact images.
-Use body Language.
-Rehearsing. Be prepare to questions and unexpected.
-Show yoursef happy to be there. Happy to be with your audience.
-Dress smart. Remenber 50% to sucess presentation is how look it. You are the protagonist. You a canal to send the message.
-Stand Still. Avoid move all along your presentation.
-Share short and funny histories with your audience. We could forget a concept or a message, but we could never foget a funny history.
-Be confortable. Be sure about your knowledge. Be yourself. Be enthusiastic.

A great video about issues to prepare an huge presentation.

"You are not talking in front of audience, you are talking to the Audience" 

Good Luck !!

Source: Virtual Studio Tv.

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