November 5, 2012


Fear is one of our primitive emotions. Every person and animal feel fear.
It´s a fisic fact as well as psychic.
It can condition our life, our perception and our behavior.
The key by Pilar Jericó is to be friend of our fears, because we have born with it, and we will life with it our life-time.

We feel fear because our brain is ready to survive, not to decide complex decisions.

When we are in a dangerous situation, our brain reaction in two ways : The long and rational manner and the short and emotional way. Our first reaction is feel scared, and then we will think about a rational solution.

Some people create themselves a permanent dangerous scenario, an useful exercise to avoid this feel is writting  a text about how bad could be this scenario with most possible details, and then calculate the probability to happen it. You could check how much "surrealist" things could be create by our creative brain.

"Around 10% people have a pathological or extreme fear to something"  Elsa Punset.

Fear such as personal development.

Looking for positives senses;    Fear can vary a good scenario in an unsafe scenario because or fear is working in our brain. We cant act in our brain process but we can change how we feel when fear in present. A good action is check this situation and pick up positives thing and associete the situation with this positives emotions to avoid the fear feel.

A learn system;    Acept fear such as normal fact and dont remain living in your past fears.
We have to recognize that live is uncertain as well as unpredictable.
We have to be brave and go out from our "confort area".

Don´t torture; Following the perfection or the best option, just focus yout life looking for an enough situation to feel happy in a long term. To be "conformist" with your happiness.

Make mistakes; Traditionally, we are not trained to make mistakes, then when we do it  we dont feel support and sure, so we avoid unsafes situations. This increase our fear.

From this corner I can see how we anticipate problems that maybe never happens.
Suffering is a choice.
And don´t do something is more dangerous than do it.
Make it easy.

Who could you be if you avoid yours fears?

Source: Mario Alonso Puig, Sergio Fernández, Elsa Punset, Pilar Jericó, Jose Antonio Marina y José Manuel Chapado.

Good Luck ! ! !


  1. Hello Vicente, congratulations for your blog, you are writting about very interesting topics.
    In relation to feelings (fear,happiness,...) in my opinion mind control is very important, not only to overcome fear, to control other feelings that could make you to take a wrong decision also.

  2. Hi Dear!!! How are you doing??
    Definetly, I agree.
    Mind control is really important to everything, it´s a important key.
    Thank you very much for your active participation.
    Followers like you are very welcome.
    Cheers ! ! !
