Usually, we use this word all the time speaking with friends, at the work, discussing, defending our arguments....But....Have you thought about this fact? Have you thought about how many unconscious meanings content this word?. Probably not. In this new post I want to invite you to call you into question....
People associate this fact like a final point. A final conclusion about all facts in a determinate situation. It´s like close a question, topic or proposition in his life. We dont have to think more about it, we have our opinion. It´s like close a book or stay in a fortress ready to defends from our enemies.
Opinions turn off our curiosity switch. Create an opinion mean finish a mental process. Why to continue looking for an answer when you have found your own one?. Maybe it's more comfortable create a definitive answer than a permanent question. In Spain we call this popular ill like <<Opinionitis>>. I dont know how call it in english.
Remove opinionitis in your life means avoid our necessity to have reason all the time. Meaning separate ego and ideas. It Means allow his evolution or his final. It Means trust in our mental process to recognise and live with ambiguity and complexity.
In a popular series, Star Trek, Mr. Spock said " Change is the essencial process of our existence". There we go. It´s a little sentece but it´s a big true, if people could understand this item our lives would be healthies than now are. All we understand like real or permanent is in constant change.
Our body create 2,5 millions of red cells per second, who live like 120 days. Most of rest cells die to be sustitute for the news one at the same time. According this reasoning we are not the same person than we were 3 o 4 months ago.
Really, you are not the same people than you were 2 seconds before. Millions of your brains cells have changed after read this post, this new information (like each second of all experiences and information in our life) have altered your brains quimics conexions, brains cells composition, signals between yours neurons
and between your neurons and the rest of body´s cells.
From this corner I propose you some tips to change your relationship with opinions:
- Don´t be possess for your opinions.
- Replace opinion (expression) for other like, from my point of view, my impression, under my uderstanding, how I can see...
- All we consider real, is always changing.
"You cant step into the same river twice" - Heraclitus
Sources: Wikipedia. Practicall inteligence. Karl Albrecht --> An Amazing book. Work of art.
GOOD LUCK ! ! ! !
Wikipedia definition; ... opinion is a belief about matters commonly considered to be subjective, i.e., it is based on that which is less than absolutely certain, and is the result of emotion or interpretation of facts. An opinion may be supported by an argument, although people may draw opposing opinions from the same set of facts. Opinions rarely change without new arguments being presented....
Please think about what mean opinion for you and then, continue reading.
People associate this fact like a final point. A final conclusion about all facts in a determinate situation. It´s like close a question, topic or proposition in his life. We dont have to think more about it, we have our opinion. It´s like close a book or stay in a fortress ready to defends from our enemies.
Opinions turn off our curiosity switch. Create an opinion mean finish a mental process. Why to continue looking for an answer when you have found your own one?. Maybe it's more comfortable create a definitive answer than a permanent question. In Spain we call this popular ill like <<Opinionitis>>. I dont know how call it in english.
Remove opinionitis in your life means avoid our necessity to have reason all the time. Meaning separate ego and ideas. It Means allow his evolution or his final. It Means trust in our mental process to recognise and live with ambiguity and complexity.
In a popular series, Star Trek, Mr. Spock said " Change is the essencial process of our existence". There we go. It´s a little sentece but it´s a big true, if people could understand this item our lives would be healthies than now are. All we understand like real or permanent is in constant change.
Our body create 2,5 millions of red cells per second, who live like 120 days. Most of rest cells die to be sustitute for the news one at the same time. According this reasoning we are not the same person than we were 3 o 4 months ago.
Really, you are not the same people than you were 2 seconds before. Millions of your brains cells have changed after read this post, this new information (like each second of all experiences and information in our life) have altered your brains quimics conexions, brains cells composition, signals between yours neurons
and between your neurons and the rest of body´s cells.
From this corner I propose you some tips to change your relationship with opinions:
- Don´t be possess for your opinions.
- Replace opinion (expression) for other like, from my point of view, my impression, under my uderstanding, how I can see...
- All we consider real, is always changing.
Sources: Wikipedia. Practicall inteligence. Karl Albrecht --> An Amazing book. Work of art.
GOOD LUCK ! ! ! !
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