Actually, The recovery governments economies plan have a common factor. It´s Internet, Identifying internet such as clear connection with Innovation and Productivity.
Germany, Holland, Japan, Hungry, New Zeland, French, Canada, Austria, Australia and USA have 4 common goals to support her recuperation plans.
1.- Internet Infrastructures.
Person need acces to Internet to discover how powerful is it.
"In Spain 64% of people have Internet acces, least than OCDE Countries avergage conexion, 70%."
Internet is a perfect space for companies and customers. Companies because they can show her products and services to customers. And customers because this mean acces to an important information source.
There relationship between Interrnet connectivity and
There relationship between Interrnet connectivity and
economic growth. Example about internet infrastructures
2.-Formation and Entrepreneurship
The first goal is to create an appropriate business enviroment adapted to new technologies.
This goal have 3 steps:
- To reduce bureaucracy tramits to create a company.
"In spain people spend around 47 days to start a business." Doing Business report.
- Create news alternative funding mechanisms.
Actually is very difficult to get many to start a business, exist some websites to do it possible.
-Improve new technologies skills.
Internet commerce model need people with special skills focuses in new technolocgies to manage them.
So, it´s an opportunity to train people in this direcction.
"European Union estimate than 700.000 workstation will be available in 2015, but companies won´t find suitable profiles to cover it."
3.- E-Government.
Government could use internet to achieve usability, interaction, decocratic participation and something very important and actual today, it´s TRANSPARENCY.
Some countries and cities are implementing Internet such as relevant tool to do everything easier.
In my region I have a close example, Jun, it´s a town with 3600 people, where internet is very important in her lifes, people can get many usefull information by internet as well as can solve routine problems.
In 1999 Jun declared Internet access such as universal right of all citizens. Jun website
Source: UniMOOC - Francisco Ruíz.
Good Luck ! ! !
Government could use internet to achieve usability, interaction, decocratic participation and something very important and actual today, it´s TRANSPARENCY.
Some countries and cities are implementing Internet such as relevant tool to do everything easier.
In my region I have a close example, Jun, it´s a town with 3600 people, where internet is very important in her lifes, people can get many usefull information by internet as well as can solve routine problems.
In 1999 Jun declared Internet access such as universal right of all citizens. Jun website
4.- E-Commerce.
E-commerce is an issue to animate our economie.
For business, Internet presence is very important.
E-commerce help to increase productivity as well as exportations.
Actually, only 26% of Spanish commerces have a web-site, and only 14% of them, sell by Internet.
The Spanish digitalitation process is slow, because our commerce is quite traditional. But it is not an excuse here we have a nice example about traditional commerce transformed in a virtual commerce. Mainada
Source: UniMOOC - Francisco Ruíz.
Good Luck ! ! !
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